What can I do to quit dirtiness
Sohbet by Sheykh Lokman Effendi
Sheykh Lokman Effendi naksibendi sufi sohbet, What can I do to quit dirtiness



Question: I am a murid from abroad that follows the sohbahs as much as I can. But I still feel like I am like the same old dog. In fact becoming wilder each day. What can I do to quit this dirtiness forever so that I can look at my Sheykh’s face without feeling guilty and ashamed?

BismillahirRahmanirRahim. So many times, the answer to the question is in the question. No need for you to follow the sohbet so much. For that person who is asking this question, and this question I’ve asked myself thousands of times, what you need to do is just like what you have said in your question. You are saying, what can I do to quit this dirtiness so that you can look at the face of your Sheykh without guilt or without any shame. This is what I want you to do. I want you to look at the face of your Sheykh everyday.

When you are waking up, I want you to know that your Sheykh is looking at you and to know that he is right in front of you. When you are about to do things that are not too good, to know that your Sheykh is there and you are looking at him. When you are about to go to sleep, to know that your Sheykh is there looking at you. Be with him. Be with him. And ask for help. Help is coming from Allah but it’s coming from Allah through that Divine channel, through those ones that are around us, for help. And the firmest handhold, the greatest help is coming from the Prophet (asws), those ones who are representing him. So that time if you feel that you are not getting better, first you do that. Don’t wait until you come here and you look at the face of our Sheykh. No. Put the face of your Sheykh in front of you and be sincere. Now that time your ego is going to pull you to something else. Your job is to fight against to your ego. Your job is not going to say, ‘I’m only going to remember my Sheykh, I’m going to say ‘medet’, magic is going to happen and all my ego and my desires will be taken away.’ No, it is not like that. It has never been like that. It will never be like that. Now you have to fight against to your ego. Your ego is pulling you, then you have to say, ‘stop.’ You have to trick your ego. You have to move it here or there. That time insya’Allah ar-Rahman, the help will reach to you. Then once you start establishing that, those are the first step to rabita. Then the presence of your Sheykh will stop you from doing so many things that even when you don’t know it’s going to happen, something is telling you to stop.

InsyaAllah ar-Rahman, may we have always this connections with our Sheykh. Jama’at is important, when we look at each other we are reminded of our Sheykh. When I look at you I’m reminded of my Sheykh. This is important. This is what the jama’at is. As much as you are carrying the light of your Sheykh, that time more you are going to represent him, more people are going to look at you, more they want to look at you. You cannot represent your Sheykh now if you are not fighting against to your ego. Impossible. I don’t care what you say, I don’t care if you say, ‘I follow my Sheykh for forty years,’ I don’t care if you say, ‘I am the son, the daughter, the this, the that…’ It doesn’t matter. What matter is, if you are representing him, if you are carrying his spirit, that time we will know. WaminAllahu Taufiq. Al Fatiha.

Sheykh Lokman Efendi Hz,
Khalifah of SahibulSaif Shaykh Abdulkerim el Kibrisi (qs),
24 Shawwal 1437
July 29, 2016.
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SOHBETS BY Sheykh Lokman Effendi

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