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അദ്ധ്യായം: Maksud or purpose of servanthood |
ചുരുക്കം: Question: What is the main maksud/purpose of servanthood in the way of Tarikat?
BismillahirRahmanirRahim. Holy Prophet (asws) he has thousands of names, and we recited some of it in the Khutba, anyone remember? That is taken from the Dalail ul Khairat, do you remember some of his names, some of his titles, in the beginning of the Khutba? You are all sleeping. The Possessor of Might, the Possessor of Majesty.
In Dalail ul Khairat alone he has over 200 names. Of course he has an Ismul Azam too, he has the name that is the most powerful name. He does, of course he does. But not only two hundred, he has thousands of names. And he has names,... |