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 naksibendi sufi sohbet,


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അദ്ധ്യായം: Fixing yourself first
ചുരുക്കം: Question: One thing that people who wants to be critical of Tarikat or people in Tarikat says that there’s so much injustice in the world and you are just concentrating on fixing yourself and that’s a selfish thing. What is the answer to this? BismillahirRahmanirRahim. That is Sunnat. Prophet (asws) when the Nubuwat was given to him, he did not go out to declare war on them or to bring the structure down. What did he concentrate on? La Ilaha Ilallah. For 23 years, La Ilaha Ilallah. Especially for the first ten years, La Ilaha Ilallah. The system that he was living in, it was corrupt, correct? Completely. It was oppressive, correct?...
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