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അദ്ധ്യായം: Diseases of the Ego |
ചുരുക്കം: BismillahirRahmanirRahim
Question: When babies are taught to say ‘Allah Allah’ they start rocking back and forth, but why do they say it’s wrong when adults do it?
Because they are ignorant and they are stubborn and they are arrogant, diseases of the Ego. The proof can be right there in front of them but they are going to be stubborn even if Holy Prophet (asws) came, and if you still have that quality of Abu Jahil, stubbornness, you are not going to accept. Holy Prophet (asws) is Rahmatan lil Alameen, everything is created for his sake. But he, even he has no permission now to move the heart until the person moves his own heart, a... |