അല്-വാലീ : സര്വ്വാധിപന്
(The Protecting Friend, The Friendly Lord)
The One who is the sole planner, implementer, governor and ruler of all things. The One who is the supportive, helpful master of all things. The One who is the friendly and protective ruler and governor of all of creation.
Benefits of Reading : Anyone who recites this Ism repeatedly will be safeguarded from all unexpected calamities. If it is inscribed in a new earthen tumbler or jug, and then the same tumbler filled with water, and then the water is then sprinkled in the house then such a house will be safeguarded against all calamities - InshaAllah. If one wishes to subdue another, one should say it 11 times.
planner, |
implementer, |
governor |
ruler |
things. |
supportive, |
helpful |
master |
things. |
friendly |
protective |
ruler |
governor |
creation. |